Sunday, November 18, 2012

Perhaps it is 1968 backwards!

We have come through a very strange and complicated election, one that will be seen as a watershed much like 1968. In 1968 the Democrats had moved so far to the left and Americans rejected the over the top rhetoric and behavior that called for bombing Wall Street and outright revolution. Nixon's contention that the "Silent Majority" would prevail prevailed, and the political pendulum began its swing to the right. The last four years have witnessed a right wing version of 1968. The "lunatic fringe" (gotta love Hofstadter) of the Republican Party has moved into the driver's seat and driven the party right off the proverbial cliff. This does not mean that the GOP will be willing to embrace Obama's agenda so do not get excited. After Humphrey's defeat in '68 the Dems continued to embrace a very liberal platform...remember McGovern (may he rest in peace), Dukakis, and Mondale, all outside of mainstream. So do not expect the wingnuts to go away. The pendulum will begin its slow swing to the left and finally the rabid rhetoric of the radical right will recede (how do you like that alliteration?).

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Well, Mamie was furious! And so was IKE!

Blogger has gotten so sophisticated!  I have just realized that you can track the traffic to your blog and there was a HUGE spike to this little blog after the election. Wondering what the mad maniac had to say about the 2nd victory of Barack Obama were you? Well, I am not sure where to begin. The previous post was a facebook comment by a former student (from the 70's) and really gave me reason to pause. I wanted to be sure to capture the message...our first lady should be blond and white and all "ladies" should look like this. I saw this as sexist and racist and it infuriated me. What would Mamie think? After all, she was a beloved First Lady and does not look anything like the blond, plastic Ann Romney. If you look at the facebook post you should be a bit surprised at the females who agreed with Rusty none of which look anything like Ann. ?

This election brought out the worst in our society; hate, racism, ignorance, xenophobia to name just a few. Yes, Mamie is disgusted and Ike cannot believe what the Grand Old Party has become...more later.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Well, this is what a lady should look like, in my view. And wouldn't be bad for a First Lady, as well. Just saying....
Like · · · 9 hours ago ·

You have got to be kidding me! In order to be First Lady you have to look like Ann Romney? Mamie Eisenhower how do you like that?!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Yikes, I have spent my day on the deck.

You ask why? Do you live under a rock? The ACC Tournament! Carolina was playing the "Semiholes " for the championship and Jane was about to bust a gut. I mean really. She is ridiculous. The Heels lost but Jane's attitude changed a bit when they got a number 1 seed in the NCAA Tournament...phew, I could not take anymore ranting. But, Murray State is a 9 seed and that did set off a bit of a tirade. I hope they lose in the first round just for my sanity. Now I have to listen to all the rambling while she fills out her bracket...she has already determined that Harvard will beat Vanderbilt. Oh well, what can I say, here we go again...she does this every year.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Jane made me post this

First of all Thomas Jefferson gave us the Bill of Rights. Jefferson was a Deist and did not advocate organized religion. He also is the person most responsible for SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE! God may have liked the B of R's, but he didn't write them.

Conservatives need to actually read something about Ronald Reagan....the real Ronald Reagan, not the mythical creature that lurks in their mind.  Did not go to church; was a terrible family man...didn't speak to several of his children, didn't see a couple of his grandchildren until they were 3 years old; ran up the highest deficit in history; conducted an illegal war in Nicaragua violating numerous laws and defying the will of Congress; pulled out of Lebanon when 241 American troops were killed when their barracks were bombed; slept through Cabinet meetings; didn't even know that his Secretary of the Treasury and his Chief of Staff had changed jobs.

Love the earrings on the left girl.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

And they didn't even leave the TV on!

So Pat and Jane leave yesterday afternoon to go to Chapel Hill and find a place to watch the Dook/Carolina game. The last one caused such a trauma with Rivers' (now referred to as Stream by Jane) final shot and I was really hoping that I would not have to listen to all the gnashing of teeth again. Now here is my gripe...Jane almost always leaves the television on when she leaves so I will not feel so alone; not this time. Just shut the thing off and go. I missed THE game. They come home screaming and yelling, whooping and making fun of the poor, pitiful performance that played out in Cameron Indoor by Dook. I just stared at them in disbelief with my beautiful brown eyes. Day after day I am left to endure the MSNBC drivel about the radicalization of the Republican Party, nothing but dark silence last night.

Thank goodness they were not the oldest people in Kildares again and evidently, if you believe them, their age group was fairly well represented on Franklin Street.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Jane, you ignorant slut

Okay, you have to know that when screaming goes on I retreat to the landing on the stairs (I used to go upstairs and get under the bed, but noooo, there is now a gate that blocks me. Jane said she was sick of me butt skidding on the carpet up there), Evidently some cretin (not my word) has called a poor Georgetown law student a slut and a prostitute just because she wants her insurance company to pay for contraceptives. This unfortunate three day attack on the poor woman has ignited a major screaming fit in front of the TV. And that's not all, Jane is signing petitions, writing emails, and swearing to never use products that advertise on the cretin's radio show. Of course she has no idea what those products are because she never listens to the cretin.

By the way, I butt skidded behind the door in Jane and Pat's room the other day...put a gate on that lady.

Friday, February 24, 2012

I did not know that my uterus belonged to the Republicans

...I don't even know if I have a uterus. Jane and Pat had me "fixed" when was a pup and I am not sure what they did to my uterus. At any rate I have been listening to the news and all the brouhaha over birth control, womens' rights, and something transvaginal. Huh? I thought that was an airline too. All of this talk is about to drive Jane up the wall and across the ceiling. She keeps screaming "it's 2012 for God's sake"! I think this is more important than Murray State being ranked so high in the polls.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

It must be mad March again

Okay, I'm just lying around relaxing and Pat is playing Words With Friends; Duke and Florida State are playing on TV. Sounds relaxing right? But NOOOOOO. Jane has evidently started her preparation for March Madness and has been looking at the national rankings. OMG you would think Rick Santorum had been put on the Supreme Court! She evidently has not been paying enough attention to the basketball world outside the ACC. Murray State! She screams. What!? They are evidently ranked 12 and 14 in polls. According to the self proclaimed "expert" they have not played one decent team and they are ranked higher than, say, Florida State! This just drives her crazy. Harris Stowe, Morgan State, Tenn Temple, Alaska Anchorage..."do these schools have basketball teams", she screams. Florida State beat the crap out of the Tar Heels, came to Durham to beat Duke, and is now giving them a run for their money, but the "powerhouse" Murray State is playing Tennessee State.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hope Everyone had a great Valentine's Day...

...Because I sure didn't. Pat and Jane left this morning early after giving each other cards, presents, and kisses. Nothing for me however. Really! Can you believe it? Not even a walk. So I stayed home all day and did nothing. They finally came home after going to a romantic lunch and an afternoon movie. Sounds like they are getting old with this afternoon stuff. Hiss, Boo.

Monday, February 13, 2012

a Katrina coup!

Okay, I am taking over this abandoned blog....What is with Jane? She is always mumbling and grumbling about something, but has gotten too lazy to put it in writing. Katrina to the rescue!!!! I will keep you up on the Pitt and of course the political wisdom that is born in Jane's mind and spews out of her mouth.

First of all I am ticked to the max about our walks/jogs. Pat and Jane have been going to someplace they call "the y", what the heck is that? At any rate Jane comes back all sweaty and whining and this has really cut back on the length of our outings. When we go for our long jogs I go wild...what do you expect a dog to do. Yesterday I got in big trouble for eating snacks all day. I just can't seem to give the stuff up.

Pat and Jane have been bemoaning the closing of the General Store Cafe downtown for about two weeks. I have walked by there several times and it looked like a really cool place with all the funky stuff and wonderful murals outside. Jane keeps saying that maybe someone will come along, take it over and reopen it. I must admit that I know nothing about business since I cannot read, I just know people all over the Triangle are upset because I heard Jane read an article to Pat from the N&O. (he hates it when she does that because he CAN read).

I have noticed that some new places have opened up. We have walked up to a new bakery where I get to wait outside while Jane goes in to get scones. I have absolutely no idea what that is, certainly does not sound like something you would eat. She says they are right out of the oven and we get home really fast. I have to listen to ummm, wonderful, best ever...I still prefer poop.

I have already made a change to that boring list of links like the NY Times; I have added my fav, Suri's Burnbook! It is soooo funny, nothing serious here. This blog is looking up now.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Christmas 2011!!!

Fabulous dinner! Flowers by Brinkley, meat by Pat, scallops by Bruz, fun by everyone.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

" regard an adversary's situation without emotion".

 Ah, this is the secret to great leadership. Chris Matthews makes this observation about Jack Kennedy in his recently published biography of the 35th President of the United States. At the end of World War II when Kennedy was tilting toward a life in the political arena, he begins to display an ability to draw conclusions, especially regarding Russia, from a pragmatic, unemotional perspective.

The sentence jumped off the page and slapped me in the face. It is so true. Decisions made in anger, fear, long held grudges, or any other strong emotion often bring tragic results. Kennedy has always fascinated me. I have wavered between the manufactured and packaged candidate created by his father and the hero who led a generation out of the oppressive, hypocritical 1950's. Being a "regular" MSNBC observer, I was excited when Matthews completed his long touted work, Jack Kennedy Elusive Hero, and included it in my Christmas wish list. Though I have only just begun the reading, page 71 presented this insight into the mind of JFK. The Missile Crisis and the trip to Dallas came to mind as did current political figures.

Leadership is so important yet in the political climate of the new year 2012 it seems elusive. Passion is an essential ingredient in any political leader, but when events call for a decision that could change the course of history, the steady mind should prevail. Does Obama's mind operate on this level? Certainly several Presidential candidates do not possess this ability. Newt Gingrich is filled with an apparent hatred for Mitt Romney and sounds more like a petty 13 year old who never gets picked for dodge ball. Should the President make decisions that are predicated by a lifelong fear and misunderstanding of people and cultures?

At least on page 71 Kennedy is emerging as the hero I am seeking...