Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Chest Incident

As most of you know we have a very elegant dining experience on Christmas Eve. The meat and lobster, the Christmas china, the champagne, the candles, the fine wine, the magic......Well, right in the middle of this year's dinner the leg on my Mother's antique chest slipped and the chest fell toward Kristy; lamp crashing on the floor, candles and wax flying everywhere, flames flying on Kristy's back, yelling, screaming, sheer pandemonium. But do not worry, Santa brought Kristy "mighty putty" in her stocking and Brinkley is using it to fix all the broken things. Now I know that those of you who have attended this event before are ever so sorry that you missed this one. If only you had taken us up on the invitation to come to the "Pitt" you too could have taken part in this Christmas happening.

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