Sunday, December 14, 2008

The REAL Election

In the undemocratic wisdom of the Founding Fathers the Electoral College was created to insure that the canaille would not select the President of the United States. The idea was for the social elite and well educated who had been selected as electors on the first Tuesday of November, to assemble in their state capitals on the 2nd Monday in December and cast their votes for the President (the runner-up would vice president). Tomorrow is the day when the electors meet and cast their ballots and that is the official election of the President and Vice President (the 12th Amendment now allows the electors to cast 2 ballots one for pres and one for vp). Tomorrow will most likely pass with little notice as it does almost every election year except 2000 when Al Gore had to preside over the Senate as the electoral votes from each state were opened and read. It was quite strange and of course the "election" of GW Bush should have been challenged. There were House members who did challenge the votes from Florida, but at least one member of the Senate must join the challenge and we all know that did not happen.

So, all of you should take pause tomorrow as these esteemed electors meet at noon in their State Capitals and cast the real votes for President of the United States. Then you might ask yourself why in the world would we keep this ridiculous system.....your mind might respond with Florida, California, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and all the other big states.

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