Monday, December 8, 2008

The Train

Last Friday I rode the train from Raleigh to Washington DC to help Brinkley move for the 100th time (that's an upcoming post). I was actually rather excited since I had not been on a train in the US since I was a kid. My brother had warned me about the possibility of sitting next to an alien but since I upgraded to "business class" I assumed I was safe. But oh no, I got a seat next to the strangest little man who was an Amtrak freak. He just rides the train from High Point to DC and back for the fun of it. For 6 hours I got to hear about train couplings, train brakes, train tracks and their joints, train stations, train everything. This little man (I was afraid to ask his name for fear it would open up another set of stories) had been a truck driver in another life and I got to hear about every trip he made including meals and motels. There was no way to move because the train was overbooked and there were people who did not have seats so I was stuck with the trainman.

I will ride the "rails" is a great way to get around and we should all insist that train travel be improved. Toot, Toot!

check it out and take a ride

1 comment:

Tom Ricketts said...

You got off easy with Mr. train. He could have spent the time toot-tooting, too.