Thursday, December 11, 2008


It is pouring down rain (I read that it is really raining in Atlanta and perhaps snow tonight) and 75 degrees. Not what I call winter and it is ruining my Christmas spirit. Had to turn the air conditioner on today.

The stupid governor of Illinois is the kind of person that makes people hate politicians. What is this jerk thinking...get out of town. I am a bit confused why the press is so into "pay to Play" politics now. This is the way the Bush administration has "run" the country for 8 years. Secret meetings to determine energy policy would be a good example. We still do not know who was on the energy task force and what roll it played in the Iraq war. I do not recall the press making a big deal about it.

We will be serving dinner tomorrow night at the Women's Shelter with others from our office. I am so impressed with all the good works our new company does. The people are honestly caring and compassionate.

No need to worry, we have made our Pitt home Christmas tacky. I will post some pics tomorrow.

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