Saturday, January 24, 2009

a footnote

HBO is showing the We Are One Concert from last Sunday. We arrived in Washington just as it was beginning. We dropped our luggage at Brinkley's and headed down to the Lincoln Memorial but there was no way to get anywhere close. But we heard "This Land is Your Land" and Beyonce sing "God Bless America". I guess that was good enough. The masses were there for sure.

Brink's Party

So good to see everyone!!!! Emily and Brian sorry we didn't get to visit more...can't wait for the wedding. Christina and Seth congrats again!!! Regan we love you, Lindsay your parents were great maybe we can get together with them when we are all in DC again. David wonderful meeting you! And Julia too! Elaine and Jon we are so glad you came it was good to see you both. Great party Brink!!!!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

REAL SNOW this time

This is what our Pittyard looked like when we got back.

Purple Ticket Fiasco

There has been much made of the fact that many or maybe most of those holding purple tickets to the Inauguration of Barack Obama did not get in. There is even a Facebook group numbering over 4,500 of these individuals. I can tell you that at no point did I think that we would not get in and I am sure most others felt the same. These were tickets that were given to staff, donors, people who had worked on the campaign, and families of members of Congress.

We left Brinkley's apartment at 6:30 and headed to the Foggy Bottom Metro Station. There were soooo many people and many were running. At that point we realized that we did not leave early enough. The station was packed. The Metro people were great. They were yelling out instructions and directing people. (I am not sure why they just didn't open up the system and make it free) There was an announcement that the Red Line had shut down and we later found out that a woman had fallen on the track. We could not get on the first three trains that came by but finally were able to pack on the forth. Everyone's mood was exuberant. People were singing and chanting O...Bama, O...Bama. It was fantastic. We had no difficulty changing lines to get off at Judiciary Square where our ticket instructed us to exit. When we did get off we were not sure where we were. There were no people directing the crowds. Our ticket indicated that our gate was at First and Louisiana....just where that was in connection to where we were was unclear. The street in front of us was absolutely packed so we decided to go back around the station and head toward Union Station. Hundreds of people were streaming down the street going in the opposite direction so we took a right onto another street and we could see the Capital. We found First and kept moving....then stop! We were in a huge clump of people that was not moving. There was a bus at the intersection parked so that it was blocking the street. We were beside the Hyatt (if anyone knows where that is) and Jesse Jackson came out. I am not sure where he went though because you could absolutely not move at all. This is where we stayed for about 2 hours. All the people around us were funny and friendly. There was a lawyer and his wife from Montana, a couple from Boston, an elderly woman from DC that was my height (we started the BUTT CLUB because that's all we could see...butts), a young couple all dressed up who worked in DC, people from everywhere. The lawyer was very tall and could see what was going on so he kept us informed. We were "the purple people" and proud. There were people around us who did not have tickets and we encouraged them to leave so they could get on the Mall. At no point was there ANY direction from anyone; no signs, no nothing. But be assured there was no pushing or rudeness of any kind. Something happened around 9:45 and the crowd started moving and all of a sudden we were at the purple gate. There was a brief moment of pandemonium with people running in all directions...Pat kept pulling me to the fence where we entered the security area through literally a door. After we got through we were in front of a row of about 10 security checkpoints. I looked behind me to see that the door had been closed. I assumed that they just did not want huge numbers of people in the area at a time and were letting people in in small numbers. I did wonder how they were going to process so many people before noon, but at no time did it occur to me that people would not get in. THIS was SECURITY!!! There were only 3 people in front of us and it took forever....they even examined each coin in Pat's pocket. You had to walk very slowly through the machine and when you got on the other side there was a guy with a huge automatic weapon (am I in Gitmo I wondered). We moved quickly...we had to cross over the motorcade route and it was lined body to body with military people apparently from all the branches...I thought that was cool. We noticed that there really were not many people and there was no distinction between the west and the north tickets. We positioned ourselves dead center with the podium and and I built a mound with the was about 2 feet tall, so for the time being I was almost 7 feet tall and could see everything. It did seem odd that the area did not get full since a quarter of a million tickets had been given out, but I still did not think for one minute that it was because people did not get in.

I do not know what the problem was but I do know that someone did not think all of this through. Now as I recount the morning there is NO WAY all those people were going to get in at the rate they were admitting them. DC is VERY lucky that something horrible did not happen. It is a miracle that people were not trampled and everyone kept their heads. They knew how many people were coming and if there was doubt they should have been able to figure it out when Washington DC was packed the day before...did they think people had come to see the Wizards play?

I have come to the conclusion that the purple gate was closed early because the people coming through that gate had to cross the motorcade route and that the Secret Service ordered it closed. The safety of all those in the Capital (aka the government of the US) and the President past and present was the priority. But someone needed to think about all those people...remember it was about 15 degrees.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Day After

The first day of the Obama Presidency

We set out today with no real plan. When we got outside it was beautiful, cold but bright and sunny. The Lincoln Memorial seemed like the right place to go...for some reason it seems that everyone has been drawn to Abe these past few days. We walked down 23rd Street and were shocked to see thousands of people there. You actually had to stand in line to walk up the steps. Even Miss France was there having pictures taken. She wore an Obama hat.

We walked all the way down the Mall (again) loving the country we call home.

I forgot to note that we saw Forrest Whitaker yesterday at a random lunch place.

Rosa Parks can be assured that no one rides in the back of the bus unless they want to.

This family came from Ohio and Philadelphia to witness Obama take the oath of office. At least three generations (grandmother was behind us...we made her get in the picture we took for the family) were represented. This was the scene all over Washington. Families from all over the country coming to our capital for the first time. It was really great.


We finally got to our section. We were very surprised to find that it was not packed body to body. We found out that most people with tickets to the blue and purple sections did not get in. There was some sort of security issue. Brinkley and Regan did not get in so they went back to Brinkley's place and watched it on TV. About the booing and hey,hey good bye...There was much talk around us about what was going to happen when they introduced Bush. Everyone feared that there would be booing, and no one really thought that would be good...but when they said his name the roar came from the back of the Mall and moved forward like a wave and everyone joined in. It was like a release from the past eight years and Bush was right there watching and hearing. It may not seem right to many, but when people have felt that no one has listened to them for eight years and the responsible person is sitting right there you boo and say GOODBYE. Two million people got to say something. Now its over and I am not going to bash Bush or any conservative that is willing to move forward. There are many who do not understand what has happened but maybe time will make it clear.

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Last Day

We spent the day walking....walking to the White House....walking to the Washington Monument....looking up the Mall at the Capital and down to the Lincoln Memorial. Checking Jefferson across the Tidal Basin to make sure all is well. It is a day to remember. Families have come to Washington to witness a change. People are happy and the snow, sleet, and cold does not seem to matter at all. I will post some pics.

Bob, The Times They Have Changed

It seemed so fitting to ride the train to Washington to witness the swearing in of Barack Obama. As we passed through small towns in North Carolina and Virginia, I could not help but remember when the train stations like everything else were segregated. "Colored only" waiting rooms, water fountains, and most likely no rest room were the norm. Now people of all backgrounds from all over the country (and the world) are flocking to DC just to be a part of this moment. A huge number cannot remember and cannot imagine segregated America. What a day!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

"Leavin' on a slow train"

You know the tune. Heading for DC in the morning. We are going to the Democratic Governor's Association cocktail party tomorrow night and Monday night Brinkley is having an event at her place, and we may have tickets to the North Carolina Ball. Look for us at the swearing in right behind the seated people in the middle. It will be a moment in time even if you did not support Obama. The excitement is exciting. I will post pics when we get back.

It's 11 degrees in the "Pitt"!!!!

I am worried about all the things I planted in the yard. The pond is frozen...birds are skating on it. Our little Pitt home is toasty and warm.

Friday, January 16, 2009

sweet 16 note

Evansville is in the middle of the Valley with an 11 & 5 record. Go Aces....gotta get to the Dance.

I still see the faces of 1st period APUSH staring back at me on 9/11

I hate to bring this up but 9/11 took place while George Bush was President! There was a great deal of information and many warnings about Bin Ladin and a possible terrorist attack on the US. Some of you may remember that strange little class we had Spring semester after the 2000 election class. We got the NYT and some actually read it...remember all the articles on the Taliban, bin Ladin and what was going on. We know that the FAA tried to get the airlines to beef up security and actually called for an emergency situation be declared. But, heavens, we would not want some business person to be inconvenienced in any way. Nor would we want the airlines to loose a dime. so the FAA backed down (like all regulatory agencies during the Bush reign the FAA was thwarted).

If Bush can take credit for the fact that there has not been another attack on the "homeland", he must also take the blame for 9/11.

What did Bush do on 9/11? Well, you might think he immediately abandoned "My Pet Goat" and addressed the Nation. But this was not the case. Bush continued to read and then
was swept away to various underground bunkers. The President did need to be protected but the public needed to be informed and comforted by their leaders. It was VERY late in the afternoon before anyone saw Bush. I remember someone on CNN very calmly say where is Bush....that was about 2:30 in the afternoon.

Bush said in his farewell address that the country moved on after 9/11 but he never did. Is he nuts? Does he really think this event didn't forever affect people?

The Barber Shop

Pat just got back from the Barber Shop in the "Pitt". It's a cute little old fashioned shop with the barber pole and little old men sitting around. One of the many things that fascinate us about the "Pitt". Well, forget it. Not only does Pat's hair look like he is enlisting in the Marines but they were all bashing Barack Obama. When Pat informed these cretins that he was going to the Inauguration, they were appalled. "You are going up there and be around all those Black people" spewed out of their mouths. Oh well, so much for the cute little barber chop.

Pittsboro is on the "edge" so to speak...things are very different when you get on the other side of the court house.

Back on Track?

The Tarheels looked good last night...back to basics like good ole defense.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Reaction to Bush's Farewell


I'm sooo excited I can't sleep!

We are going to the Inauguration of Barack Obama! Brinkley got us great tickets for the swearing in. I understand that there is going to be a porto-john issue on the mall. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the Justice Department would open its doors for the first time in a million years for people to use the restroom.

When did they lock the doors? Early 1970's when anti-Vietnam protesters threw red paint on the door? You know how justice is.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


What's the deal with the deer in the Pitt???? I've told you about the herd in the yard and the occasional sighting on our walks but its gone to a new level. There are dead deer everywhere...victims of unfortunate meetings with autos. The Mayor's wife hit one (no worry she was fine) and there is an entire thread on the Chatham County Blog (if you can believe there's one) just on hitting deer. There are deer tracks everywhere. I think they hang out on the deck at night. Today was the worst....Katrina went running up the hill on our walk and began rolling on the ground. Oh gross, she had found a dead deer carcass and thought it was cool. Oh yes, she had a bath. It would seem that someone would come up with a plan to move some of these million or so deer somewhere else. Would anyone like some.

I don't feel the same about Bambi.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Top 10 Conservative Idiots

Democratic Underground has brought back Idiots. I thought it had gone forever. The author evidently had a baby and did not post for 3 months. I think he read my post on Sarah Palin.

The Last Ramblings

Bush has given so few press conferences that this last one is more of a footnote than a moment. Ah...Ah...Ah...every day was joyous. He really does believe that historians will see him as an undaunted leader sticking to his convictions despite all the noise around him. How about a stubborn, isolated ideologue?


I am beginning to wonder if they watch film of their opponents. Does Roy not realize that EVERY team is going to try to keep Tyler out of the game. Why don't they come up with a plan to counter that? And oh by the way, hitting 3 point shots? Wake looked good (way to go Alan, if you read this)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The First Dog

I'm betting a Labradoodle! If only Judy and I had let Katrina and Gabe have pups. We could have been the mothers of the first dog.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sweet Sixteen

okay...okay the teams that will make the "Sweet Sixteen" will be...the ACC and the Big East (just kidding)

UNC Tarheels !!!!!
Wake Forest (I always have them...maybe this year they won't let me down)
Minnesota (Tubby's revenge)
Boston College
Tennessee (because they will not have a hard season and will be fresh by March)
Arizona State (somebody from the Pac 10)
Duke (can't dream Duke v UNC final. It WILL happen one year)
Evansville (just because, and they looked pretty good, I know you are saying they won't even get to the tournament)
Notre Dame

ACC is the best

The World Does NOT Revolve Around Sarah Palin

SARAH PALIN and john mccain did not win the election. They did not win in good part because Sarah Palin was not qualified to be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office. Palin now contends that she lost because the press was mean to her and mean to her family, and the press was nice to Barack Obama and his family. Lets examine this carefully. Palin dragged her children out of the wild and placed them front and center before the American public, and made a HUGE deal about being a "hockey mom". She made sure she mentioned her son who was going to Iraq at EVERY campaign stop and encouraged Piper to perform on que. Did she really think that an unmarried, pregnant teenage daughter would be ignored by the press and the nosey public, especially when she put her on display at the Convention. (imagine Chelsey Clinton pregnant) I was actually astonished at how nice the press was regarding the Palin family issues. The National Enquirer's report of Sarah's extramarital affair was totally ignored by the mainstream press. Reports of the son's drug use and accusations of criminal behavior never made CNN or any other primary news outlet. Bristol's pregnancy was ignored and there was virtually no discussion of why the marriage wasn't happening. Todd Palins' finances, membership in an Alaskan secessionist group, and really any aspect of his life was never covered in an in depth manner. Now we know that Levi Johnston's mother was being investigated for narcotics violations during the campaign and it has been suggested that this was kept out of the news to protect the candidacy of Palin.

A candidate for public office cannot have it both ways...they can't use their families in campaigning but get upset when they are scrutinized. A parent who knows there are issues with their children takes great risk when their children are exposed to the political arena...or any public arena for that matter.

If any other candidate had performed as she did during taped interviews, and refused to do LIVE interviews they would have been laughed out of town. But for some reason she seemed to get a pass. Who can think of any other candidate for such a high office, especially one that could lead to the PRESIDENCY, that has had so little scrutiny.

Palin's outrage over reports that Bristol and Levi had dropped out of school is absurd...guess what Sarah, they dropped out of school. It seems that the truth is to be ignored if it upsets Sarah. She is suffering from some serious illusion if she thinks the press "did her wrong". Even more ridiculous is comparing herself to Caroline Kennedy (who by the way, HAS had a fairly rough time of it in the press and is not running for Vice President).

Sarah Palin is a demagogue. These people are always charming, find the truth allusive, and attract many admirers who follow as if they are under a spell. Demagogues are very dangerous....

Friday, January 9, 2009

Bush would love to be a Tree

All Presidents want to be placed in the "GREAT" category and have periods of history carry THEIR names (The Age of Jackson). George W Bush certainly falls in this category; reminding audiences of Harry Truman's dismal poll ratings at the end of his term with the idea that he too will rise from the ashes, be redeemed, and join the ranks of the "greats" just like Truman. Bush seems to believe with all his heart and soul that he has served the country well and time will bring a re-evaluation of his decisions and deeds. With deference to Lloyd Bentsen..."I knew Harry Truman, and you are no Harry Truman".

There are few paralles to be drawn between George and Harry. Harry Truman's popularity was so dismal by the end of his Presidency due mainly to his firing of General Douglas MacArthur during the Korean War not because his entire presidency had been disfunctional (MacArthur was extremely popular, had presidential ambitions, and used the press to curry favor with the public). Polls were certainly not what they are today. Polls indicated that Truman would lose the 1948 election to Thomas Dewey...we know that did not happen. Truman surrounded himself with strong advisors who were intelligent and he listened to them! Truman new his limitations. He never forgot that he was a failed businessman who climbed up the political ladder of the Pendergast machine and fell into the Presidency. The buck did stop at Truman's desk.

It is difficult to name even one outstanding individual appointed by Bush. Bush has refused to consider options and opinions that fall outside his view of the world. Blame falls elsewhere in the Bush Administration...the liberal press, Democrats in the Congress, the French, environmentalists, college professors, California, and of course the greatest cause of all that went wrong...Bill Clinton.

It is doubtful that Bush's legacy will overcome the last eight years. We have been divided into red and blue, we have been embarassed before the entire world (if you do not believe it, go abroad), we have seen our economy, foreign policy, and mindset revert to the 19th century; we have seen the "American Dream" become a nightmare. (and they cancelled the show, didn't they Kristy?)

The dead woman covered in a blanket, in a wheelchair outside the Super Dome during Katrina for all the world to see will be the legacy of the 43rd President of the United States.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The South

Most of my life has been spent geographically in the South, but I have realized since moving to the "Pitt" that I have not really "lived" in the South. Growing up on military bases is akin to growing up in a bubble; you are somewhat isolated from the outside world. You go to school with kids from all over the country and kids with varied cultural backgrounds. Though everyone was proud of where they were from, regional accents disappeared and military society became homogenized. I recall sitting on the school bus when I was in the 4th grade and the boy in the seat next to me asked were I had been born...I responded proudly Richmond, Virgina. He was shocked and chided me with "I can't believe what you did!" I do not remember what I said but later realized he was referring to slavery. This was the first time I realized that I was from a section of the country that many saw as separate and different. I only visited Richmond to see grandparents and other relatives and never really lived there. Atlanta is not the "real" South. It is rare to hear a southern accent and as rare to know someone who grew up there....Go Jan and Jerry. I realize that it was rare for me to travel outside of Atlanta except to go somewhere else, the beach or the mountains. Chapel Hill certainly has a significant number of transplants and is not typically southern but still has a very relaxed, congenial feel.....however, Pittsboro is very much the South. It is unusual not to hear a southern accent. The shops are open when they want to be, one sign reads "open by chance". Everyone says hello with what seems like sincere enthusiasm. You do not have to drive far to be in the middle of what seems like nowhere; just ask Kristy about all of us getting lost trying to go to Hillsborough.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Burris bruhaha

My new favorite morning TV show is Morning Joe on MSNBC. But this morning I am a bit dismayed with them. A discussion on the refusal to seat Burris yesterday by the Senate leadership revealed that Joe and Mika feel that he should be seated. Now there have been numerous articles on both sides of this issue and it IS a very difficult and complicated problem, but after reading the 17th Amendment and Article I sec 2 of the CONSTITUTION (remember that document?) I am ready to take a definitive stand. This Senate vacancy is very different from others. The governor of Illinois is compromised and the issue IS this Senate seat. He is on tape indicating that he WANTS money for the seat....he wants positions on various boards for his wife. Virtually no one defends Blago (with the exception of a few partisan driven Republicans). Herein lies the heart of this issue...Anyone appointed by him should refuse the appointment on the grounds of decency and demand a special election. It would be very difficult to turn down this powerful and prestigious position, but that would be the right thing to do. People keep talking about the law and that Burris has met the Constitutional requirements and therefore should be seated. There has been a great deal of discussion regarding Adam Clayton Powell and the Supreme Court Case resulting from that set of circumstances in the late 60's. (I was in the House gallery when they voted to unseat Powell) However, the House and the Senate are very different bodies and the Powell Case really should not be the final word in this case. The Founders intended the Senate to be a body that would not be driven by the whims of the populous, so the original Constitution called for the state legislatures to select two senators. The House was to reflect the will of the people directly, there are different requirements for members, and the term of a House member is only 2 years rather than 6 for a Senator. This issue is unique to the Senate and that is how it should be discussed. When the 17th Amendment was ratified in 1913 it required Senators to be elected by the people of the state. If a vacancy existed the intent was to HOLD A SPECIAL ELECTION!!!!!!! The governor (if the legislature provided) could make a TEMPORARY appointment in lieu of the upcoming special election. Granted, this appointment power has been misused and appointed Senators have served out terms, many for prolonged periods, but now is the time to examine the process and get it right. The issue is not whether Roland Burris is qualified to sit in the Senate (is he?), the issue is whether the current governor of Illinois should make any appointment with a dark cloud over his head. The seat should be filled with an election. If the people of Illinois do not want to pay for an election the seat could remain vacant. SIMPLE. The "letter" of the law and the "spirit" of the law is important to consider but no one seems to be on that page.

FLASH...the secretary of state of Illinois is now saying his signature is not required to seat Burris. What is his purpose then?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Surgeon General is a hunk!

Who would believe that Sanjay Gupta would be appointed as the Surgeon General...I knew there was a reason I voted for Barak Obama.

a hero

Everyone should know and applaud Harry Markopolis. He is the man who tried to get the SEC to pay attention to the misguided behavior of Wall Street for the past nine years. He warned that Bernard Madoff was a fraud, and that what he claimed to be doing was impossible. In a seventeen page letter in 2005 Markopolis exposed what was believed to be a Ponzi Scheme orchestrated by Madoff . 2005!!!!!! What was the SEC doing? An agency created during the New Deal to protect investors from unscrupulous financial predators has certainly lost its way. We all need to wonder why this situation was allowed to exist for so long. Why, after the Enron debacle and the supposed "clean up" at the SEC did Wall Street continue to engage in reckless behavior and get away with it? The American public has been feed a regular diet of free market rhetoric and many have come to believe that government regulation is the enemy. If only there had been a little responsible regulation...If only someone had paid attention to Harry Markopolis...If you think none of this affects you, you are part of the problem.

Monday, January 5, 2009

A Star is Born!!!!!!

Happy Birthday to my wonderful Brinkley!!!!! You were the star of the nursery at Piedmont hospital and now you are the star of the world.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Gathering of new friends

Great time...Emily may have an issue.

The Boys

The Tarheels are looking rough against Boston College right now. They are 10 points behind... BC up the court 5 min to go Tyler gets the score. I am so worried. BC misses FT twice..3 for UNC!!! What are the boys doing???? 3:28 to go. This could be bad. BC shooting 2 made 1 made 2. FG for UNC. I can't watch and type at the same time because I never took typing in High School. The bad BC boys have been beating the good guys up all night under the basket and the refs are finally calling fouls on BC, but I fear it might be too late. I keep having visions of Kansas. UNC has lost. I am ticked.

New Year's Eve

Santa brought me a cute little fire pit and we lit it up for New Years. The pit in the "Pitt".

No beach trip...too windy and very cold. Diana and Bruz came for dinner and then we went out on the town in the "Pitt". Don't laugh, what champagne at the City Tap and a great band at the General Store. NO traffic in the Pitt and it took all of 2 minutes to get home.

Big trouble on New Year's Day. I was ill. Thought it was the champagne but oh no I was poisoned by something I had eaten. I will spare you the details, but I only now have returned to normal.

Hope everyone had a good time. We are all ready for a new year that will be better than last.