Friday, January 9, 2009

Bush would love to be a Tree

All Presidents want to be placed in the "GREAT" category and have periods of history carry THEIR names (The Age of Jackson). George W Bush certainly falls in this category; reminding audiences of Harry Truman's dismal poll ratings at the end of his term with the idea that he too will rise from the ashes, be redeemed, and join the ranks of the "greats" just like Truman. Bush seems to believe with all his heart and soul that he has served the country well and time will bring a re-evaluation of his decisions and deeds. With deference to Lloyd Bentsen..."I knew Harry Truman, and you are no Harry Truman".

There are few paralles to be drawn between George and Harry. Harry Truman's popularity was so dismal by the end of his Presidency due mainly to his firing of General Douglas MacArthur during the Korean War not because his entire presidency had been disfunctional (MacArthur was extremely popular, had presidential ambitions, and used the press to curry favor with the public). Polls were certainly not what they are today. Polls indicated that Truman would lose the 1948 election to Thomas Dewey...we know that did not happen. Truman surrounded himself with strong advisors who were intelligent and he listened to them! Truman new his limitations. He never forgot that he was a failed businessman who climbed up the political ladder of the Pendergast machine and fell into the Presidency. The buck did stop at Truman's desk.

It is difficult to name even one outstanding individual appointed by Bush. Bush has refused to consider options and opinions that fall outside his view of the world. Blame falls elsewhere in the Bush Administration...the liberal press, Democrats in the Congress, the French, environmentalists, college professors, California, and of course the greatest cause of all that went wrong...Bill Clinton.

It is doubtful that Bush's legacy will overcome the last eight years. We have been divided into red and blue, we have been embarassed before the entire world (if you do not believe it, go abroad), we have seen our economy, foreign policy, and mindset revert to the 19th century; we have seen the "American Dream" become a nightmare. (and they cancelled the show, didn't they Kristy?)

The dead woman covered in a blanket, in a wheelchair outside the Super Dome during Katrina for all the world to see will be the legacy of the 43rd President of the United States.

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