Wednesday, January 14, 2009


What's the deal with the deer in the Pitt???? I've told you about the herd in the yard and the occasional sighting on our walks but its gone to a new level. There are dead deer everywhere...victims of unfortunate meetings with autos. The Mayor's wife hit one (no worry she was fine) and there is an entire thread on the Chatham County Blog (if you can believe there's one) just on hitting deer. There are deer tracks everywhere. I think they hang out on the deck at night. Today was the worst....Katrina went running up the hill on our walk and began rolling on the ground. Oh gross, she had found a dead deer carcass and thought it was cool. Oh yes, she had a bath. It would seem that someone would come up with a plan to move some of these million or so deer somewhere else. Would anyone like some.

I don't feel the same about Bambi.

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