Saturday, January 10, 2009

The World Does NOT Revolve Around Sarah Palin

SARAH PALIN and john mccain did not win the election. They did not win in good part because Sarah Palin was not qualified to be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office. Palin now contends that she lost because the press was mean to her and mean to her family, and the press was nice to Barack Obama and his family. Lets examine this carefully. Palin dragged her children out of the wild and placed them front and center before the American public, and made a HUGE deal about being a "hockey mom". She made sure she mentioned her son who was going to Iraq at EVERY campaign stop and encouraged Piper to perform on que. Did she really think that an unmarried, pregnant teenage daughter would be ignored by the press and the nosey public, especially when she put her on display at the Convention. (imagine Chelsey Clinton pregnant) I was actually astonished at how nice the press was regarding the Palin family issues. The National Enquirer's report of Sarah's extramarital affair was totally ignored by the mainstream press. Reports of the son's drug use and accusations of criminal behavior never made CNN or any other primary news outlet. Bristol's pregnancy was ignored and there was virtually no discussion of why the marriage wasn't happening. Todd Palins' finances, membership in an Alaskan secessionist group, and really any aspect of his life was never covered in an in depth manner. Now we know that Levi Johnston's mother was being investigated for narcotics violations during the campaign and it has been suggested that this was kept out of the news to protect the candidacy of Palin.

A candidate for public office cannot have it both ways...they can't use their families in campaigning but get upset when they are scrutinized. A parent who knows there are issues with their children takes great risk when their children are exposed to the political arena...or any public arena for that matter.

If any other candidate had performed as she did during taped interviews, and refused to do LIVE interviews they would have been laughed out of town. But for some reason she seemed to get a pass. Who can think of any other candidate for such a high office, especially one that could lead to the PRESIDENCY, that has had so little scrutiny.

Palin's outrage over reports that Bristol and Levi had dropped out of school is absurd...guess what Sarah, they dropped out of school. It seems that the truth is to be ignored if it upsets Sarah. She is suffering from some serious illusion if she thinks the press "did her wrong". Even more ridiculous is comparing herself to Caroline Kennedy (who by the way, HAS had a fairly rough time of it in the press and is not running for Vice President).

Sarah Palin is a demagogue. These people are always charming, find the truth allusive, and attract many admirers who follow as if they are under a spell. Demagogues are very dangerous....

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