Friday, January 16, 2009

I still see the faces of 1st period APUSH staring back at me on 9/11

I hate to bring this up but 9/11 took place while George Bush was President! There was a great deal of information and many warnings about Bin Ladin and a possible terrorist attack on the US. Some of you may remember that strange little class we had Spring semester after the 2000 election class. We got the NYT and some actually read it...remember all the articles on the Taliban, bin Ladin and what was going on. We know that the FAA tried to get the airlines to beef up security and actually called for an emergency situation be declared. But, heavens, we would not want some business person to be inconvenienced in any way. Nor would we want the airlines to loose a dime. so the FAA backed down (like all regulatory agencies during the Bush reign the FAA was thwarted).

If Bush can take credit for the fact that there has not been another attack on the "homeland", he must also take the blame for 9/11.

What did Bush do on 9/11? Well, you might think he immediately abandoned "My Pet Goat" and addressed the Nation. But this was not the case. Bush continued to read and then
was swept away to various underground bunkers. The President did need to be protected but the public needed to be informed and comforted by their leaders. It was VERY late in the afternoon before anyone saw Bush. I remember someone on CNN very calmly say where is Bush....that was about 2:30 in the afternoon.

Bush said in his farewell address that the country moved on after 9/11 but he never did. Is he nuts? Does he really think this event didn't forever affect people?

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