Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I guess I have to say something on this day of 9's....I continue to be amazed at the stupidity of a significant number of Americans. Birthers, death panels, keep government out of my medicarers...I just do not know what is going on. Where are the sane people? Someone has got to come forward and stop these maniacs. To actually not allow schools to listen to the President is outrageous. Most of this is in the South. Could racism be behind alot of the rhetoric? Before you knee jerk into no, think about it.

The very people who are most negatively affected by corporate wrongs are the ones out protecting the obcene profits of banks, health insurance companies, oil interests, etc. It is very puzzling....but then most of the people who fought for the Confederacy to protect the right of a handful of wealthy planters to own slaves never owned a slave. Go figure. (Bernie if you say something about the Civil War not being fought over slavery I will vomit)


Unknown said...

Looking back we understand that slavery was the motivation behind secession . . . freeing the slaves was not Lincoln's motivation for war.

Jane said...

Not at the beginning, the stated purpose being to preserve the union, but he changed the course of the War with the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation....The purpose of the War then became to eliminate slavery!!
Why did SC and the other states secede? Slavery. You can argue that it was all about states' rights but we know that this was simply a ruse by slave owners to insure that the national government not be able to end or alter in any way the institution of slavery.