Saturday, September 5, 2009

Get rid of Medicare immediately!

All of these morons who are screaming and yelling in the so called townhall meetings, and the members of Congress who oppose the public option should DEMAND the dismantling of Medicare. If they want the government out of health care, the single payer, government run system must go.....and while they are at it, get rid of Veterans' hospitals, Medicaid, public health departments, any government grants to fund doctor and nurses training, and we certainly do not need the CDC. Why doesn't someone actually investigate who these so called protestors are. Wouldn't it be interesting if we found out that health insurance companies are paying them?


Unknown said...

For every protester the "Health Insurance Companies" are paying- I can find 10 that Organizing for America, Big Pharma and Big Labor are paying and then busing in- all you have to do is look through the Ad postings on Craigslist in major cities.

Unknown said...

All the big groups and so called special interests are backing this plan- AARP, Big Labor, Big Pharma etc.

Obama does not have 218 votes in the House for his bill and he does not have 51 in the Senate-

Folks like Byron Dorgan, Blanche Lincoln and yes Harry Reid are and should be uncomfortable about voting for this bill-- add Kent Conrad, Ben Nelson, Mary Landrieu, Mary Pryor, Joe Lieberman, Evan Bayh -- they lose

Harry Reid must walk a thin line-- for two long he has played one man as Majority Leader and another as Senator from Nevada, in all recent surveys he is losing two 2 Republican Candidates whos profiles are limited.

Nevada with one of the highest unemployment rates, highest foreclosure rate and numerous other issues has not seen the benefits of Reid's leadership.

I cannot wait till an ad runs that ties Reid to Obama looping his comment about not going to Las Vegas-- that will be the final nail in the coffin

Jane said...

Bernie, the point of the post is that those who are so opposed to the public option should come out and call for the end of all government health related programs. Your boys should come before their supporters and demand the end of Medicare...LOL, if they REALLY were concerned about the government they would do this. But of course most of the people out holding up signs and screaming are on medicare and are ignorant of the fact that it is a single payer government run health care system. Lets see how the vote goes...

Unknown said...

Here is a link to one of the Craigslist ads I talked about:

I think if you gave senior citizens:
the money they paid into Medicare + the money their employer contributed + interest

Many would take the cash and drop out

No sensible person wants to destroy or take away Medicare from people who paid into it and rely on it--
But it is clearly unsustainable and hampered with waste, fraud and abuse, lets work together to provide for the present beneficiaries and slowly phase it out allowing folks my age to make other plans