Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Somehow I have missed discussing the Oak Tree that lives in our backyard. It is a huge, beautiful tree that hosts all sorts of wildlife. As we know Oak Trees produce wonderful, adorable acorns every year and in the Fall they fall to the ground with the hope of producing another Oak Tree. Since the tree is so tall the acorns fall a long way before they hit the deck, the roof, or the ground. Good ole Newton taught us about this phenomenon, but with nice soft, squishy apples. These acorns fall at the speed of a bullet and sound like gunfire when they hit the deck and roof. This goes on for several weeks before the towering Oak has shed all the cute little nuts. It is a race with the squirrels to see who can get to them first.....they try to bury them and I try to pick them up and dump them into the woods. I am not sure who is winning but you can see what fun we have here in the "Pitt".

And you thought this post was going to be about that communistic terror group that is trying to take over our country.

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