Thursday, September 10, 2009

For those of you who are conservative and are reasonable, i.e you read, watch news coverage from a variety of sources, understand how the American system really works, and are willing to actually carry on a conversation with a person that does not agree with you, you need to look around and understand that you are being defined by the nutjobs that are now the picture of the Republican Party. Just as the crazies in the 1960's came to define the Democrats and brought about a dramatic change in the political landscape, the same thing is happening to you today. It is impossible for me to understand how people find no problem running up an astronomical deficit to fund a war, but are so vehemently opposed to their fellow Americans having access to decent health care. Think about it...what is really going on here? Health insurance companies make obscene profits and yet people are out screaming to protect these profits. Most people have stories...mine are few but we have been reasonably healthy. Emily had her tonsils out a couple of years ago and United HealthCare balked on paying the $1,000 anesthesia bill. This was clearly covered but they indicated that the provider had not put the correct code on the bill. My response was "give me a break!!!" get it straight, I am NOT paying the bill if you want the money fix the problem!!! United HealthCare does this all the time and many if not most people pay the bill and never see the money they are entitled to. Ka-ching for the insurer. Imagine how much money is made by doing this over and over. I did not give up and they paid the money, but why should people have to fight for their benefit?.

You need to step back and listen carefully to what people are saying. You need to know that elected Republicans are actually supporting the "birthers" and the screamers; are those the people you want to be associated with. Imagine what you would have done or how you would have felt if a Democrat yelled at President Bush during a speech before A JOINT SESSION OF CONGRESS "you LIE". I would have been appalled and I am sure you would have been appalled as well. It's time to step back and be reasonable.

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