Thursday, September 10, 2009

Joe Wilson's website is still down. Be sure to look at the Republicans around him last night as he accused the President of the United States of lying. They do not look shocked or upset in any way! Today they are acting like this was bad but while it was happening they were just fine. While the country gasped they played with their blackberries. Watch it. And by the way, I LOVE Pelosie's reaction.

This morning an interesting group of right-wing individuals were waiting outside Wilson's office to offer support...Randall Terry, the anti-abortion radical for one.

In the past, members of Congress have booed or hissed when a President was speaking, but NO ONE HAS SCREAMED "You Lie"!!!!! There is a difference and if you cannot see the difference I am sorry.

All these Republicans are saying they do not know what Obama said last night.....I guess they don't, they were all too busy texting or tweeting. Perhaps if they had paid attention they would know what was said. I know what he said.

Someone on Fox said the speech was too long....Yes, too long for the 30 second attention spans of their usual audience.

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