Thursday, September 17, 2009

No, No, No, No!

At some point sensible Republicans will say yes to something. There has to be something they are in favor of. No one is against everything unless they just want to be against everything to hurt the other side. Ahhhh, maybe they just want to be opposed to everything and anything the Democrats and Obama are in favor of. At some point the negativity has to become tiresome to most people.


Unknown said...

There have been plenty of bills introduced by Republicans in this Congress and past Congresses that tackle Healthcare issues.

The House GOP Alternative is HR 3400 written by your old Congressman Tom Price

The President has the bully pulpit and the Democrats control the Calender and Committees-- this leaves 3400 with little chance of success

The media only covers items that have potential and with these people in charge it has no chance

Jane said...

I have not heard one Republican mention HR 3400. If it is such a great idea why don't they talk about it? They talk about everything else.